Is it really necessary to organize your trip?

There are generally two types of travellers on the road: those who plan their journey ahead and those who travel without any plan at all. According to me, I am one of those people who do not plan anything and I will tell you why.

Should you book your plane tickets in advance?

Many travellers, especially those who plan a world tour, buy “round-the-world plane tickets”, which include multiple stopovers on different continents. But, these tickets are definitely cheap, but they are not that flexible. You have to fix your itinerary and flight dates in advance, which limits your freedom.

Often, I meet such world travelers who regret after choosing a “round-the-world ticket”. They have to live under the pressure of time and dates and have to leave one country and reach another country quickly. This kind of plan leaves no room for unexpected moments or “love at first sight”.

Because who can say that you will like Cambodia so much that you want to stay there for one more month? Or you will find some good friends in Bali and want to stay there for 2 more months? Or you will find a cheap and beautiful bungalow on some paradise island in Thailand and want to spend 3 months there?

All these unexpected moments are a part of the traveler’s life and missing them can be very harmful. There is nothing worse than having to leave a country where you are feeling happy, when the meaning of travel should be freedom.

Is it necessary to book accommodation in advance?

Hotel booking comparators are a practical tool for planning a trip, but I would suggest you not to book all your accommodation in advance. This is because the prices are high and you have no idea what the conditions will be like where you will arrive. Often, guest houses or local accommodations are available on-site, where you can negotiate prices and find out in detail about services (such as whether the Wi-Fi is working, whether hot water is available, whether the street is peaceful, etc.).

It can also be said that finding accommodation is an important part of the trip. You never know where you will land, and this uncertainty is exciting in a way.

Sometimes it may take a few hours to find the right accommodation, but this little uncertainty does not last long. And this is the fun of freedom. Here are some tips that can help you find cheap accommodation abroad.

Should a specific budget be set?

When it comes to budget, you just need to understand that you have to manage within what you have and keep your expenses to a minimum. Budget indications can be helpful for every country, but it is better to get an idea of ​​your budget after spending a week in that country. As soon as you reach there, you will get to know the average rates of accommodation, food and transport.

This will help you plan your monthly budget easily and track your accounts. For some, good food may be a necessity, but for others, it may be less. Accommodation also matters a lot and the comfort level can be different… It depends on you, because every traveler has his own budget and everyone should define his comfort zone! If you want, you can read the article on “world tour budget”, which will give you an idea of ​​the average expenses.

Is it necessary to take travel insurance?

Whether we like it or not, one thing we cannot predict during travel is accidents or illnesses that we can face.

And unfortunately, no matter how many precautions you take, you can get a small or big injury while on the road or a major problem at home. That is why, good travel insurance is very useful, especially when it is suitable for your trip.

If you are going for a few months, then your credit card insurance may come in handy, especially if it is an advantageous and high-end card like Boursorama Ultim. If you pay for your plane tickets with Visa Premier or Mastercard, for the first 90 days you automatically get: repatriation insurance (which covers some medical expenses, but is deductible), and death and disability insurance.

But one problem is that this insurance is valid only for 90 days. After this period, your coverage ends. So if you are going on a world tour for a long period, it is advisable to get specific travel insurance. Choose such insurance that helps you deal with all kinds of inconveniences, and its cost is also affordable. This way you can remain tension-free.

Is it useful to carry more stuff while traveling?

When you go on a trip for a long period, you often feel that it is necessary to carry everything. But, it is okay to carry a sleeping bag liner and microfiber towel, but it is not at all right to carry dozens of t-shirts and pants.

Every time I go on a trip, I like the clothes I get in some countries. And in the end, I only wear clothes (which are mostly suitable according to the climate), and the clothes bought in France end up lying at the bottom of the bag or get thrown in the garbage.

So, travel with only minimal stuff so that you can travel light and buy new clothes during your trip! FYI, you can get a cute dress in Thailand for just 100 THB (a little more than €2).

Should one know about the country beforehand?

Before going, many travelers do a lot of research about the country they are going to. Travel guides, travel forums, reviews… they anticipate everything, but in the end it all gets a little wasted.

A trip is something that is experienced from within, and every traveler has his own unique experience. So why know about every aspect of the country beforehand? Why define your itinerary? Isn’t it better to let yourself be surprised? Form your own opinion, without taking into account the opinions of other travellers?

Although, it is good to have minimum information about the country, but one should not be burdened by the available information. Let the country guide you, keep your head out of the books and live according to your own wishes. No matter where you go, you will always find something amazing, I can say with guarantee!

Do we need to see and visit everything?

It is also very important to travel at a reasonable pace, especially when you are on a world tour. You can never see everything, and that is not the purpose of a trip anyway.

Forget the “must-see” things written in your travel guide (those tourist sites that may disappoint you) and focus on what is really important for you.

What do you really want to see? What activity do you dream of doing? And if you want to relax on the beach for a few days without doing anything, don’t feel guilty, because that is the fun of traveling!

Is it okay to see pictures of your next destination?

The same is true for images as for information. Why go to Google and visualize your next destination in advance? When you reach there, the element of surprise will be lost, and the fun may be reduced. And who knows, that place may be less beautiful in “real life” than a heavily retouched photo.

And even if you have perceptions and doubts, I can assure you that you have nothing to fear. You will regret more if you over-plan your trip than you will enjoy more if you go without any planning, my dear!

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